A Recommended Unit Conversion Program

Many people asking me about the unit conversion because all of drilling formulas showing in the website and the drilling formula spread sheet are in oil field unit. It creates some hassles to some people. I wish I could convert all formulas into Metric unit but I have no time. Therefore, the simplest solution is to use a unit conversion program.

This is the unit conversion program created by Josh Madison. These are some screenshots of this program.



This unit conversion program is totally free and very easy to use. It will convert the most popular units such as distance, temperature, volume, time, speed, mass, power, density, pressure, energy and many others.

This is the screen of this program once you open it.


There are several units as you can see on the screen shot shown below.


For example, if I want to convert a flow rate of 250 gpm in to liters/minute, I just select flow and input 250. The result is 946.35 liters/minute.


This program is so simple to use and I am 100% sure that it will help you do your job.

You can download via this link= >.

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About DrillingFormulas.Com

Working in the oil field and loving to share knowledge.

15 Responses to A Recommended Unit Conversion Program

  1. gabo says:

    i appreciate your knowlwdge

  2. saaem says:

    I want this converter software

  3. Dendougui Salim says:

    Thank you very much for these helps.

  4. Ali says:

    This blog is awesome!
    I learned a lot here.
    Keep doing what your do.


    it is very useful and very helpful for the man on the rig , thanks a lot for the drilling formulas site for providing such good stuff

  6. rick wade says:

    Do y’ll have any can of pipeline software, to be used with nitrogen.

  7. Amr Haggag says:

    it is not working for windows 7

  8. Jake says:

    This is awesome!! It’s very handy for my studies of petroleum engineering.. 🙂

  9. roberto ruiz gonzalez says:

    hola camaradas
    esta seccion es degran interes para la mayoria de nosotros los que laboramos en los campos petroleros, recomiendo ampliamente esta pagina para todos los lectores que busquen buenos articulos tecnicos

  10. Karwan says:

    Thank you very much,that was really great

  11. Anigboro Samuel says:

    I find this unit conversion program very useful and it has helped me a lot
    Many thanks to the team.

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