Drillingformulas.com is created by Rachain J in order to share drilling knowledge which rarely find on the internet. Combination between technical and operational aspect makes drillingformulas.com different from other oil field blogs.
“We commit to sharing drilling knowledge”
Currently, there are two people who write the contents for the blog as listed below:
Rachain J. – He has been working in the oil field industry for years and has worked in several positions. Currently, he continues working on the rig and sharing the knowledge to junior hands. His focus is basic calculation, well control, drilling operation, etc. Contact Rachain : rachainj@hotmail.com
Shyne Coleman – He held Petroleum Engineering degree from University of Texas at Austin. Currently he works as a drilling engineer for a small independent oil company in US. He focuses on engineering knowledge, book review, etc. Contact Shyne: shyne.coleman@hotmail.com
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Drillingformulas.com Team