Drilling Formula Excel Sheet Version 1.3 Version 2012 Free Download

Today, we would like to distribute the new update drilling formula version 1.3.

It is still totally FREE !!!.

What new drilling formulas are added into the drilling formula version 1.3?

Effective Viscosity

Hydraulic Horse Power (HPP)

Optimum Flow Rate for basic system

Power Law Constant

Pressure Loss Annulus

Pressure Loss Annulus With Tool Joint Correction

Pressure Loss Drillstring

Pressure Loss Drillstring With Tool Joint Correction

Pressure Loss in Surface Equipment

Reynold Number


How many total useful drilling formulas in this version?

There are a total of 87 formulas which are divided into 7 categories (Applied Drilling Formulas, Basic Drilling Formulas, Directional Drilling Calculation, Drilling Fluid Formulas, Engineering Formulas, Hydraulic Formulas and Well Control Formulas).

Download Now For Free!!!


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About DrillingFormulas.Com

Working in the oil field and loving to share knowledge.

10 Responses to Drilling Formula Excel Sheet Version 1.3 Version 2012 Free Download

  1. amr says:

    thanks for your efforts

  2. Mark De Souza says:

    How can i get metric versions of the calculations & formulas?

  3. Luis says:

    Would it be good the drilling formula above in spreadsheet using both imperical and metrix unit?. Or have an option that allow user to change the units?


  4. kresimer zubac says:

    I downloaded the sheet but I think there are some pages where the input cells are not active, means I can not enter the values like the Reynolds number page, and may be there are others.

  5. Mahfoud says:

    Hellow there
    i wonder wheather you have an idea on how to creat a spread sheet for hydraulics optimisation
    using the two critera max HSI and Max FI

    thankx in advance

  6. Othman says:

    very good tool

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