Halliburton Red Book Electronic Version

This is the electronic version of the Halliburton Red Book  (eRedBook) which it can be used electronically with your computers or your smart phone.


PC Version eRedbook

The software consists of a lot of useful calculators (such as cement calculation), Interactive wellbore schematics, and data from the American Petroleum Institute (API). I am really love with this program because it makes my life a lot easier when I work in the office or in the field.

First of all, you need to download the set up file from this link => https://www.halliburton.com/content/dam/ps/public/cem/contents/Interactive_Tools/web/eredbook/setup.exe

You will get the set up file like this => Halliburton red book electronic version

Double click to set up the program

Halliburton red book electronic version 2

It will take few minutes to complete the set up process.

Once the set up is completed, you will see the icon like this on the desktop. Halliburton red book electronic version 3


Double click the icon to open the program, you will see the screen like this.

Halliburton red book electronic version 4

There are three parts of this program which are Reference, Calculators, Technical data and Favorites.

The screen captured is one of the windows from this program.

Halliburton red book electronic version 5

I hope you would enjoy using the Halliburton Red Book program.

Ps, System Requirements

•Windows® XP with Service Pack 2.

•Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

(free download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0)

•1 GHz or faster processor

•1.57 GHz or faster processor

•2 GB of RAM

•120 MB of Hard Drive space

Application Version

eRedbook is available both iOS and Andriod.

iOS eRedbookhttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/halliburton-eredbook-mobile/id507496941?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Halliburton eRedBook® Mobile - iOS

Halliburton eRedBook® Mobile – iOS

Android eRedbook – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.halliburton.corp.eredbook

Halliburton eRedBook® Mobile - Android eRedbook

Halliburton eRedBook® Mobile – Android eRedbook


If you want to find more details about the Halliburton E Red Book, please check out this link – https://www.drillingformulas.com/halliburton-red-ebook-app-it-is-a-useful-app-for-oilfield-personnel/

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18 Responses to Halliburton Red Book Electronic Version

  1. chidiogo raphael says:

    Please how can i download this e-Redbook.
    i have tried but the root you guys directed on your site cannot open.
    i really really need help here. please? please?? please???

  2. Batyr says:

    thank you very much!!!

  3. Batyr says:

    ….one thing does not working properly, when make a well design, casing ID or wall thickness have not calculated automatically,

  4. Edward H. Tikoalu says:

    Can’t follow the link. when I click, it take me to

    Something’s wrong here…
    Uh oh, bitly couldn’t find a link for the bitly URL you clicked.
    Most bitly URLs are 4-6 characters, and only include letters and numbers (and are case sensitive).

    that all I get.

    Wishing U helping me with another link

  5. Mouhanad Habbal says:

    Its very interesting I think but i need more detail because I don’t know how to use it and for what ? I’m fresh graduated Pet.Eng i want to learn more and more, so if u have any tutorials I will be more appreciate.
    thank you.

    Mouhanad Habbal

  6. reza says:

    Dear friend
    tank you very much for your useful note and software.
    I have a problem with this software. I downloaded and installed this program but unfortunately there is not any icon on the screen like wellbore geometry and etc.
    I will be grateful if explain how can I resolve it.
    best regards.

  7. reza says:

    Dear friend
    I left for you a request and a question for two times. But you didn’t answer me, I really really need this eBook. please guide me how can I resolve my problem.

  8. reza says:

    Dear friend
    I use windows 7, 64bit
    I will be grateful if help me

  9. Mehdi.karooni says:


    I want you to become a member

  10. shehzad says:

    hey thx for sharing this much need info …. !!! Apreicaited …. your efforts …. keep rolling … !!!

  11. Wahid Mia says:

    Excellent. I am a petrophysical core analyst at BAPEX of Bangladesh. Hence, I need this and now I feel another software as for the interpretation of core interval log, correlation & integration of core & log analysis. So, if you send or give it to me, it will be great help for me.
    Thanks for this

  12. Jorge Contreras Padilla says:

    Existe version del libro rojo para Mac, de ser afirmativo favor de enviarle el link

  13. Jorge Contreras Padilla says:

    Existe version del libro rojo para Mac, si existe favor de enviarme el Link.

    Gracias y Saludos

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