How to Assess Material Requirements for Drilling Operation

Drilling supervisors must be responsible for assessing material requirements for the drilling operation at a drilling rig. There are several following information that can help to assess material requirement in both short time (less than 48 hrs) and long time (next 3-5 day).

1. Drilling Operation Instruction: The drilling operation instruction is guidance for what operations will be happening in the future. Therefore, it will give people at the rig some ideas regarding what people will be needed.

2. Drilling Operation Meeting: The operation meeting is conducted everyday in order to discuss the forward plan among team members such as drilling supervisors, a drilling contractor and service companies. This meeting helps all parties at the rig to understand what drilling activities will be performed and when the operation requires the material perform jobs.

3. Forward plan sheet: The forward plan sheet contains all actions from demobilization to completion of the drilling program. It assists supervisors on the rig to estimate time for upcoming operations. Mostly, it is utilized for assessing the long time (next 3-5 days) material and people requirement.

4. Area on the rig: Operation supervisors must fully understand about available space of the rig because it is a constraint about how much equipment can be store on the rig. For instant, if the rig has small area, small set of equipment must be frequently ordered. On the other hand, if the rig area is big, a lot of drilling tools can be requested and kept on the rig.

5. Logistics: It is very important to know how the logistics work each area because it will help personnel on the rig know how long the equipment will be transferred from a wear house to a location after issuing the material.

6. Contact Warehouse: After all required materials are assessed, drilling supervisors and a material man must contact a warehouse in order to discuss with them about what the required materials are and when they should be at the rig site.

Normally, material requirement plan must be revised everyday because sometimes drilling operation is not ongoing as plan. Therefore, some equipment must be delayed or some special equipment must be urgently requested for specific drilling operation.

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3 Responses to How to Assess Material Requirements for Drilling Operation

  1. Drilling supervisors must be responsible for assessing material requirements for the drilling operation at a drilling rig

  2. important thing to be

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