Drop incident is one of the worst incidents in oil and gas industry and DROPS is a company which comes up with the Drops Calculator.
For example, you want to know what the potential hazard classification should be if 3 lb of object drops from 15 ft height. This is the Excel based program that gives you a benchmark about the classification of the potential consequences of a dropped object.
Let’s take a look how to use it
First of all, please download the DROPS calculator here – http://www.dropsonline.org/assets/documents/Dropped-Object-Consequence-Calculator-Nov-20111.zip
Ref – http://www.dropsonline.org/resources-and-guidance/drops-calculator/e-drops-calculator/
You will receive Dropped-Object-Consequence-Calculator-Nov-20111.zip. Then unzip the file and you will get
“Dropped Object Consequence Calculator – Nov 2011.xlsm”
If you see the screen like this (Figure 1), you can click “Enable Editing”.
Figure 1 – Enable Editing
You need to “Enable Content” in order to run a macro for this file.
Figure 2 – Enable Macro
Input parameters of dropped object. For this example, the dropped object weight is 3 lb and it drops from 15 ft height. The incident classification is Minor.
Figure 3 – object 3lb drops from 15 ft height
You can select unit of weight between lb and kg and unit of height between ft and m.
Note – Four classifications are as follows according to DROPS;
SLIGHT – A First Aid Case. No or limited injury. Treatment may be limited to first aid.
MINOR – A Recordable Incident. A Work-related injury that does not involve death, day(s) away from work, restricted work or job transfer, and where the employee receives medical treatment beyond first aid.
MAJOR – A Lost Time Incident (LTI). Non-fatal traumatic injury that causes any loss of time from work beyond the day or shift it occurred. Also referred to as Day Away From Work Case (DAFWC).
FATALITY – Death resulting from an injury or trauma.