Hydraulic Horse Power is a measure of the energy per unit of time that is being expended across the bit nozzles. It is commonly calculated by this equation, HHP=P*Q/1714, where P stands for pressure in pounds per square in., Q stands for flow rate in gallons per minute, and 1714 is a conversion factor necessary to yield HHP in terms of horsepower. Bit manufacturers often recommend that fluid hydraulics energy across the bit nozzles be in a particular HHP range, for example 2.0 to 7.0 HHP, to ensure adequate bit tooth and bottom-of-hole cleaning (the minimum HHP) and to avoid premature erosion of the bit itself (the maximum HHP).
Hydraulic Horse Power (HPP) formula:
HHP= (P x Q) ÷1714
HHP = hydraulic horsepower
P = circulating pressure, psi
Q = circulating rate, gpm
Example : Determine Hydraulic Horse Power with these following data:
circulating pressure = 3500 psi
circulating rate = 800 gpm
HHP= (3500 x 800) ÷1714
HHP = 1633.6
Please find the Excel sheet for calculating Hydraulic Horse Power (HHP)
Ref books: Lapeyrouse, N.J., 2002. Formulas and calculations for drilling, production and workover, Boston: Gulf Professional publishing.
Bourgoyne, A.J.T., Chenevert , M.E. & Millheim, K.K., 1986. SPE Textbook Series, Volume 2: Applied Drilling Engineering, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S. & Aadny, B.S., 2011. Fundamentals of drilling engineering, Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Hi, very nice post. I have been wonder’n bout this issue,so thanks for posting
Please tell me how to get bit hydraulics excel sheet .
Mr. Bizanti
College of Technological Studiet