Oilfield Acronym Spreadsheet

You may get confused when you see a lot of oilfield acronym used for oil and gas industry so we would like to make your life easier by collecting oilfield abbreviations in both Microsoft Excel and PDF files. There are a total of 2,445 acronyms related in oil and gas industry. Update as of August 2015.


The image below is the capture screen of the PDF version.

Figure 1 - Oilfield Acronym PDF

The Excel file version looks like this.

Figure 2 - Excel file version of oilfield acronym

Download the oilfield acronym from the download links below;

PDF version

Excel version

We would like to keep update this file so if you have any oilfield abbreviations that we don’t have, please feel free to give us the comment in the comment box below. We wish you like our stuff.

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About DrillingFormulas.Com

Working in the oil field and loving to share knowledge.

8 Responses to Oilfield Acronym Spreadsheet

  1. Csaba says:

    Thank you for this !

  2. Soe Myint says:

    Good acronym, thank you.

  3. Ehsan says:

    Thank you very much.
    good done.

  4. Renato says:

    ES= electric stability. OBM property measured in the rigsite.
    MTU= mobile testing unit. Used in well testing.
    CJP= cellar jet pump
    DDR= daily drilling report
    POF= pump open force. Used in drilling jar hydraulic calculations.
    FMH= flutted mandrel hanger
    THS= tubing head spool
    CHH= casing head housing
    TOF= top of fish
    SLM= steel line measurement

  5. Renato says:

    PJSM= pre job safety meeting
    DSA= dual studded adapter
    TLC= tough logging conditions. Used to run logs with pipe
    Pwf= well flowing pressure
    SFL= static flow level
    DFL= dynamic flow level
    BF= buoyancy factor

  6. Francisco Manrique says:

    It’s very important to know the acronyms even when someone has not studied Petroleum Engineering but works in the oilfield. I thank drillingformulas for this information.

  7. Nader says:

    Thank you very much

  8. Da Costa says:

    Hi members,

    Can anyone of you provide me with the material about drilling well control level 2 Please. Because I’m about to do this training and love to go through a file with the content of the course to help me on it please.

    Looking forward to hear from you.
    Thank you

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