After several attempts for securing well that was blowing out for weeks, the fighting to secure the rig and the well was over. Finally, the Seadrill West Altas Jackup ,contracted by PTTEP Australasia, and Montara Wellhead Platform caught fire on 1st November 2009. It’s was so sad news for oilfield.
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Gas blowing out over the Montara Wellhead Platform and there was oil spill over the sea.
Aerial photo of the Montara offshore oil platform and West Atlas mobile drilling rig. On August 21, 2009, a well on the platform blew out as a new well was being drilled, and both the rig and the platform were imediately evacuated. Oil and gas condensate are spewing uncontrolled into the Timor Sea off Western Australia, and will continue to do so for at least 7-8 weeks until a new rig can be brought into the vicinity to drill a relief well. Photo by Chris Twomey, courtesy of WA Today. (Photo below)
Aerial photo of the Montara offshore oil platform and West Atlas mobile drilling rig. On August 21, 2009, a well on the platform blew out as a new well was being drilled, and both the rig and the platform were imediately evacuated. Oil and gas condensate are spewing uncontrolled into the Timor Sea off Western Australia, and will continue to do so for at least 7-8 weeks until a new rig can be brought into the vicinity to drill a relief well. Photo by Chris Twomey / Australian Greens, courtesy of WA Today. (Photo below)

Oil spill from Montara Platform
Aerial photo of oil slicks emanating from the Montara platform in the Timor Sea off Western Australia. Photo courtesy of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. (Photo below)

West Atlas Jack Up
PTTEP attempted several times to a drill relief well in order to stop leaking. This photo, I got from the board, showed the rig 2 km away attempting to drill to kill the blowing well. Picture: PTTEP (Photo below)
Seadrill West Atlas Jack-up Caught Fire on 1st Nov 2009.
Photo of the Montara oil platform and attached West Atlas jackup drilling rig (left). Out-of-control well on the platform ignited during attempt to pump mud into the well to “kill” it. Photograph by PTTEP. Source (Australian Broadcasting Corporation News): (Photo below)

Montara Oil Platform Fire - November 1, 2009
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