IWCF Well Control Quizzes

My friend just sent me the very useful well control stuff again. This time is the IWCF well control quizzes by Transocean which use to train their people. The well control quizzes each contain 25 questions and are grouped into related topic areas ranging from fairly basic knowledge through to some of the harder calculations that supervisors may come across in their IWCF exam.

There are a total of 8 modules as follows:

1. Basic knowledge in well control

2. Basic pressure (hydrostatic pressure)

3. Warning signs and shut in

4. Shut in conditions

5. Volume and MAASP (Maximum Allowable Anticipated Surface Pressure)

6. Well control methods

7. Some tricky well control questions

8. Subsea well control questions

If you are interested in these handy well control quiz, please click at the image or the link below


Additional information: IWCF stands for The International Well Control Forum which is an oil industry Membership Organization established in Europe in 1992. Its primary purpose is to develop and administer well control certification programs for personnel employed in oil well Drilling, Workover and Well Intervention operations.