Petroleum Engineering Development Timeline from 1848-1959 (1st Part)

Petroleum engineering has been developed since the beginning of the 19th Century. The following images demonstrates petroleum technology milestone from 1848 – 1959. This is the first part of this series and more to come.

1848:World’s First Oil Well – Major Aleveev drills the world’s first oil well at Baku, Azerbaijan using a primitive cable-tool drilling technique which originated in ancient China.

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Manifa Oilfield – Heavy Crude Field, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has the second largest oil reserves in the world, so it is quite logical that there are several successful oil companies in this country. One of them is Saudi Aramco or simply Aramco. With a revenue of around $380 billion and value between $2 trillion and $10 trillion, Saudi Aramco is the most valuable company in the world.

One of the reasons why this company is always on top is their investment in research and development of new oilfields. Manifa oilfield is one of these new oilfields that have proven to be a great investment.

Basic information

Manifa oilfield is located on a manmade island. Thanks to modern technology, engineers and architects can create artificial islands and make the production of oil much easier and simpler. Of course, in order for such manmade island to promise a good return on investment, it must be situated in shallow waters. Otherwise, it will need a lot of material to build it. At the same time, these manmade islands guarantee the improvement of long-term reservoir recovery. In addition, oilfields built on manmade islands allow the creation of more wells, don’t have negative environmental effects and it is much safer for the workers to work on an oilfield like this.

Manifa Field (Top View)

Manifa Field (Top View)

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