Trip Sheet Excel File

Monitoring the well while tripping is one of the most critical in well control because it will tell you about the well condition very quickly. Therefore, we create an electronic version (Excel sheet) of trip sheet from drilling formulas blog. The trip sheet can be used for both trip in hole and trip out of hole.


*** This is updated version 1.2. We unlock all cells so you can modify to suit with your operation if required. ***

Please check out this link to download.

>>>Trip Sheet

1. When you open the file, you will see the screen like this.

2. First of all, you need to input pipe displacement. This file allow you to input 5 types of pipe displacement and the displacement can be in bbl/single, bbl/ft or bbl/stand.

33-2 trip sheet

3. On the right side of the file, you will see three shaded cells like this. The yellow mean you must manually input data. The blue one is an automatically calculated cells which you cannot change it. The last one is green showing you that you need to select value from the list which comes from pipe displacement values that you input as per step no 2.

33-3 trip sheet

4. The file will show you how much you need each ft/stand/single and show total cumulative required. Once you input the real figure, the file will show accumulative volume and tell you that you may gain/loss how many barrels. There are two columns that you can input the trip tank volume. One is from the rig sensor and another one is volume from mud logger trip tank. Therefore, you can compare the different between two separate sensors which help you cross check each other figures.

Please try to put the number and play with the file for more understand and I wish this file would be advantageous for your job.


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5 Responses to Trip Sheet Excel File

  1. Shiwei Yang says:

    Dear sir,
    I like it very much, would you please send me a coppy?

  2. I need it very much



  3. Eduard says:

    Thank you very much for this useful spreadsheet.

    Best regards,

  4. Charlie Lindsey says:

    Very good!!!! Simple and easy to use for drillers

  5. Obady says:

    I like it

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