Post Shut-In Procedures while Drilling

There are several figures that must be recorded after the well has been properly shut in in case of a well control situation.


Shut-In Casing Pressure (SICP): Read and record the shut-in casing pressure (casing gauge).

In order to get the proper pressure reading, the casing gauge should be installed upstream of the closed choke.

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Shut-In Procedure while Drilling

While drilling, a drilling team must be carefully check for well control indicators and if the positive kick indicator(s) indicated, crew must instantly know how to shut in the well in correct manner. The steps below, called “3S” shut-in procedures, demonstrate how to properly shut the well in while drilling.

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2 Types of Shut-In (Hard Shut In and Soft Shut In)

For the drilling industry especially when we talk about well control, there are 2 types of shut in which are Hard Shut-in and Soft Shut-in.  This post will describe both shut in types and I wish I would be helpful for you all 🙂

Hard shut in: It means that while drilling choke line valves (HCR) are in the closed position; it will be opened after the well is shut in. The hard shut-in is the fastest method to shut in the well; therefore, it will minimize volume of kick allowed into wellbore.

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What is “Trip Gas”?

With static wellbore condition, any gas entering into mud while tripping is called “Trip Gas”. Gas will be seen while circulating bottom up after tripping back in hole again. Trip gas is caused by swabbing effect while tripping out of hole.

If you see a lot of trip gas after circulating out, this situation indicates that the wellbore is almost in a balance condition.

What is “Connection Gas”?

“Connection Gas” is distinct increase of gas above a normal background gas level when bottom up occurs after a connection. If you see a small high gas peak in short period of time and when you calculate back you will see that it comes from every connection, you can suspect that this is the Connection Gas.

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