What Are Differences Between Possible and Positive Well Control Indicators?

Many people tend to confuse between possible and positive well control indicators therefore we would like to differentiate between these two well control indicators. These two concepts are vital for well control because one indicate the possibility of the kick but another one shows definite signs that the well is taking back to you. In this article, we summarize all information regarding the possible and positive kick indicators so you can use for your work.


Possible Well Control (kick) Indications

Possible well control (kick) indicators mean that there is possibility to get influx into wellbore. It MAY or MAY NOT be a kick.The indications can be either kick or just formation react while drilling. You need to remember that just only a single possible indicator cannot may not good enough to identify underbalanced condition in wellbore and the possible kick indicators must be used collectively. Therefore, drilling team on the rig needs to closely monitor the well and prepare appropriate action plans.

The possible well control (kick) indications are as follows;

Change in drilling breaks (ROP change) – If the differential between formation pressure and hydrostatic pressure created by drilling mud decreases, there is possibility to increase rate of penetration because the hold down effect is decreased.

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