What is a trip tank and its roles for drilling operation?

A trip tank serves as a compact, calibrated tank typically holding between 20 to 50 barrels, employed in drilling operations to monitor the flow of drilling fluid into and out of the wellbore whether pulling out (tripping out) or running in (tripping in) drill pipe or any tubular in the hole.

As each section of pipe is pulled out, the resulting void must be filled with drilling mud equivalent to the removed steel volume. This process, known as “pulling dry,” prevents a decrease in hydrostatic pressure, which can lead to unwanted wellbore events. The volume of mud pumped in is meticulously recorded on a trip sheet.

Trip tanks help detect potential kicks (inflow of formation fluids) by comparing the actual mud volume pumped in with the calculated displacement volume. If the actual volume is significantly lower, it suggests the well is swabbing and fluids are entering, a key indicator of a potential kick. Conversely, while running pipe in, any excess mud displaced should equal the steel displacement. The image below shows the typical trip tank diagram.

Trip tanks come in various configurations, but all prioritize accurate volume monitoring. The typical design is tall and narrow, allowing for easier detection of even slight changes in fluid level. This ensures precise measurement of fluid gain or loss within the wellbore.

The ability to continuously fill the hole and simultaneously capture returns in the trip tank is highly beneficial. This eliminates the need for constant driller attention, reducing the risk of hydrostatic pressure fluctuations. Comparing the actual trip tank volume changes with the calculated displacement volumes helps identify discrepancies and ensures the well is receiving the appropriate amount of mud. Trip tanks can also be utilized for dedicated wellbore monitoring. By diverting wellbore returns to the tank, even small fluid gains or losses can be identified, providing valuable information during flow checks and other critical operations. The image below shows the actual trip tank on the rig.

Trip Tank

Trip Tank

Rigorous maintenance of trip tanks is essential. Regular cleaning prevents solids buildup, while inspections ensure proper valve and pump functionality. Additionally, floats and instrumentation require calibration at specified intervals to maintain accuracy.

For even greater accuracy, especially during stripping operations, a separate tank with a smaller capacity (3-4 barrels) can be used. This “strip tank” allows for precise measurement of small fluid volumes before transferring them to the main trip tank for cumulative volume analysis.


Trip tanks are indispensable tools in drilling operations, ensuring accurate wellbore pressure maintenance, kick detection, and overall wellbore status. By prioritizing reliability, accuracy, and meticulous maintenance, these vital pieces of equipment contribute significantly to a safe and efficient drilling process.


Cormack, D. (2007). An introduction to well control calculations for drilling operations. 1st ed. Texas: Springer.

Crumpton, H. (2010). Well Control for Completions and Interventions. 1st ed. Texas: Gulf Publishing.

Grace, R. (2003). Blowout and well control handbook [recurso electrónico]. 1st ed. Paises Bajos: Gulf Professional Pub.

Grace, R. and Cudd, B. (1994). Advanced blowout & well control. 1st ed. Houston: Gulf Publishing Company.

Watson, D., Brittenham, T. and Moore, P. (2003). Advanced well control. 1st ed. Richardson, Tex.: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Trip Tank and Its Importance to Well Control

Trip tank is a small tank which has a capacity of 20 – 50 bbl and its shape is tall and shallow because it can effectively detect volume changes. The trip tank system has the ability to continuously fill the well and take return back to the tank. With this capability, it will keep the hole full all the time and the volume changes either increasing or decreasing can tell the condition of the well.

How The Trip Tank is Lined Up

The diagram (Figure 1) below demonstrates how the trip tank is lined up.

25 Trip Tank and Its Importance on Well Control 1

Figure 1 – Trip Tank Line Up To Continuously Fill The Hole

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What is a trip tank?

Trip Tank is a small metal tank with small capacity about 20-40 bbls with 1 bbl divisions inside and it is used to monitor the well. There are several operations that we can use the trip tank to monitor the well as follows;

1. Trip Out Of Hole (TOOH): While tripping out of hole, the trip tank is used to track volume of mud replacing volume of drill string. The volume of mud should be equal to displacement volume of any kind of tubular tripped out of hole.

2. Trip In Hole (TIH): While tripping in hole, the drilling string (bit, BHA and drill pipe) is ran back in the hole, the trip tank must be use to keep track volume gain. The expected volume gain should be equal to the displacement volume of whole string.

Learn more about pipe displacement

3. Flow check: The trip tank is utilized to determine well condition in order to see if the well is still under static condition.

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