How To Get Offshore Rig Jobs

It is indeed tough searching for oil rig jobs and one needs a lot of time as well as patience for the correct job. To hunt for a job you should have a structured approach. Many people fail to understand that the most highest chances of getting an oil rig job is with the drilling companies which have their own oil drilling rigs.

People fail to realize that large and well known oil companies such as Shell, ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron and others never have any openings for these positions. In fact these companies never even need to hire the drillers, nor crane operators. Majority of the jobs at oil rigs are generally filled by the staff at the agency. At times most of the companies have their own staff.

how-to-get offshore jobs

It is not an easy job while working for any offshore oil rig, however the staff will most likely end up leading their lives in highly sophisticated accommodation options which are at par with any 5 star hotel although you are in the middle of the deep ocean. A majority of the offshore oil rig jobs are highly physical in nature and most of the rig companies will strive to ensure that you have a wonderful time while onboard. For example if the employees feel that they are living in very luxurious standards in spite of being in the middle of the deep ocean. While onboard the organization takes complete responsibility of the stay as well as the food. Even the laundry cost is borne by the company, besides the cost incurred on travelling and transfers.

There is no dearth of offshore oil rig jobs which are present. The professions you can choose may be from: Driller, Shakerhand or Mudman, Derrickman, Toolpusher, Motorman, Floormen or Roughnecks, Assistant Driller, Roustabouts, Crane Operator, Cleaner/Painter, Mechanic/ Electrician, Storekeeper, Sub Sea Engineer, Rig Electrician, Rig Mechanic, Rig Welder, Ballast Controlman or Watchstander, Barge Engineer, Captain & Chief Engineer, Rig Medic & Safety Man.

Majority of the offshore oil rigs follow a policy of 14/14, 21/21 or 28/28 day rotation. This indicates that you will have to continuously work for 14 days and this will be followed by 14 days off for example. This means that you spend half of your year working on the rig and half of your time on a holiday with full pay rate.

The staff who opts to be a part of the industry of offshore oil rig are given chances for drilling staff to work in several countries around the world such as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Venezuela, Russia, Mexico, Norway, Canada, China & the United Kingdom, etc.

On an average the salaries for the strongest and the fittest may amount to around $ 300 daily. This makes the annual salaries for the employers to be around US $ 47,000. There are specific jobs like Drillers who make far better money and are paid $56,000 annually while the Toolpushers as well as the drill leaders and even supervisors tentatively earn around US $75,000 to $100,000 annually.

New employees earn around US $50,000 to US $80,000 per annum; Trades, while the technically skilled and professional staff is paid around US $70,000 to US $220,000 annually.

While finding out ways to land up an excellent offshore rig job you may eventually embark on a career which is interesting and holds a lot of promise. Shockingly procuring a job internationally at an oil rig does not need a lot of experience. However they are particular about needing someone with a lot of responsibility. We are presently sharing some vital steps which will help you to procure the information and help you to obtain a job of your dreams.

1. Find out which region you are interested working in.

Offshore oil rig jobs are present all around the world. Therefore it is important for you to carefully speculate the correct region you wish to work in. usually working in the North Sea located at the upper shelf of Europe this place holds a lot of promise for drilling. Besides this there is no dearth of options in Asia, Africa, & the Americas.

2. Gather information regarding the numerous posts which are vacant on a rig.

You should be aware about the various options which are present in an offshore rig. This assists you to present yourself in a better understanding. Generally new hires are allotted the task of general cleaning and maintaining. Eventually they are promoted higher and higher in the rig. You also need to consider if you have any special area of expertise which will be beneficial to the company.

3. Make your resume and CV.

You will have to prepare a resume as well as a CV which will help you to highlight your skills as well as any working experience you may have had. This will help you to draw prospective employees to you. For your information, a CV generally contains detailed information on all your academic qualifications as well as any professional experience you may be having. In other words, you can call it a detailed resume. Ideally a resume should be limited to a single page while a CV needs to be comparatively longer.

If you are interested in writing excellent oilfield resume, please check out our ebookOilfield Resume – Discover The Secret of Writing Perfect Resume for Oilfield Jobs

4. Search for an employment agent.

If you are hunting for a job and are making an attempt to directly approach any oil or drilling company then you will not succeed. This will make you disappointed and you will feel left out. Hence it is a good idea to hunt for an employment agent who will share your information with the drilling companies. You will find numerous agencies online. However you will have to scrutinize to select the ones which are more reliable and worth the fees you will pay them. With this you stand a high chance of winning a good offshore oil rig job.

Nowadays, there are several websites assisting you finding the oilfield jobs. Please check out the following articles => Five Useful Website To Find The Oil and Gas Jobs