I would like to share some well control acronyms so you will be more understanding about content in well control.
ACF = Annular Capacity Factor
BHP = Bottom Hole Pressure
BOPE = Blow Out Preventer Equipment
BPUTS = Bring Pumps Up To Speed
CLF = Choke Line Friction
CMW / OMW = Current Mud Weight / Original Mud Weight
CP = Casing Pressure
DPP = Drill Pipe Pressure
ECD = Equivilant Circulating Density
EOB = End of Build
FCP = Final Circulating Pressure
FD / MW = Fluid Density / Mud Weight
FIT = Formation Integrity Test
FOSV = Full Opening Safety Valve
FP / PP = Formation Pressure / Pore Pressure
FrP = Friction Pressure
HCR = Hight Closing Ratio
HP = Hydrostatic Pressure
IBOP = Inside Blow Out Preventer
ICP = Initial Circulating Pressure
ISICP = Initial Shut-in Casing Pressure
KLF = Kill Line Friction
KOP = Kick Off Point
KWM / KMW = Kill Weight Mud / Kill Mud Weight
LOT = Leak Off Test
MAASP = Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure
MASP = Maximum Anticipated Surface Pressure
MD = Measured Depth
MGS = Mud Gas Separator
MI = Mud Increment
MISICP = Maximum Initial Shut-in Casing Pressure
OBM = Oil Based Mud
PG = Pressure Gradient
PI = Pressure Increment
PPG = Pounds Per Gallon
SCR / SPR = Slow Circulating Rate / Slow Pump Rate
SG = Specific Gravity
SICP = Shut-in Casing Pressure
SIDPP = Shut-in Drill Pipe Pressure
SOBM = Synthetic Oil Based Mud
SP = Surface Pressure
SPM Valve = Side Pocket Mandrel
TOC = Top Of Cement
TOL = Top Of Liner
TVD = True Vertical Depth
Reference book: Well Control Books