Oilfield Salary Survey and Comparison Study Based on Q3 2014

We’ve collected salary information from the most trusted oilfield website, rigzone.com, about salary and compensation for Q3 2014. At this time, we have the comparison between Q1 salary and Q3 salary.


Oilfield Salary Based On Geographical Locations Based on Q3 2014 Data

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Oilfield Salary Survey as of Q1 2014

We’ve collected data from internet and summarized into simply formats for you to see oilfield salary in 2014. You will get an idea how much personnel working in the upstream industry make. All information used in this article is as of Q1 2014.

Oilfield Salary Based On Geolographica Locations

Africa Average Income = 105,568 USD/year
Australia & Oceania Average Income = 104,787 USD/year
Central Asia Average Income = 79,188 USD/year
Europe Average Income = 116,899 USD/year
Far East Average Income = 100,337 USD/year
Middle East Average Income = 79,813 USD/year
North America Average Income = 90,693 USD/year
South America Average Income = 88,297 USD/year
Southern Asia Average Income = 72,023 USD/year
The chart below demonstrates overall income based on geographical information.

Figure 1 – Average Income (USD/Yr) Based on Geographical Area as of Q1 2014

Oilfield Salary Trend from 2011 – 2014 Based on Geolographical Area

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