Update… I add all drilling formulas together into one file which allows me to update it and share with you all easily. Please find the drilling formula calculation sheet.
Drilling Formula Calculation Sheet
This is version no.1 which was distributed on 28-Mar-11.
You can read all detail of this file via this link https://www.drillingformulas.com/drilling-formula-calculation-sheet/
Please feel free to give me feedback.
Ps. The following formulas are in this calculation sheet.
Accumulator Capacity – Usable Volume per Bottle Calculation (Surface Stack)
Accumulator Capacity – Usable Volume per Bottle Calculation for Subsea BOP
Adjusted maximum allowable shut-in casing pressure
Amount of cuttings produced per foot of hole and total solid generated
Angle Averaging Method in Directional Drilling Calculation
Annular Velocity (AV) Calculation
Balanced Tangential Method Calculation
Barrels of slug required for desired length of dry pipe
Bulk Density of Cuttings by Using Mud Balance
Calculate Annular Pressure Loss
Calculate Equivalent Circulation Density (ECD) with complex engineering equations
Calculate inner capacity of open hole/inside cylindrical objects
Calculate Oil-Water ratio from retort data
Calculate Pressure Gradient and Convert Pressure Gradient
Calculate Specific Gravity (SG) in oilfield unit
Convert Pressure into Equivalent Mud Weight
Convert specific gravity to mud weight (ppg and lb/ft3) and pressure gradient (psi/ft)
Correctedd D Exponent Calculation
Critical RPM to Avoid Excessive Vibration
Determine height of light weight spot pill to balance formation pressure
Determine the actual gas migration rate
Determine the density of oil and water mixture
Dilution of Mud System to Control Low Gravity Solid by Adding Base Fluid
Dilution of Mud System to Control Low Gravity Solid by Adding Mud
Dogleg Severity Calculation based on Radius of Curvature Method
Dogleg Severity Calculation Based on Tangential Method
Drill pipe pulled to lose hydrostatic pressure
Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) in ppg
Estimate gas migration rate in a shut in well
Estimate Type of Influx (kick)
Formation Integrity Test (FIT) Procedure and Calculation
Formation Pressure from Kick Analysis
Hydraulic Horse Power (HPP) Calculation
Hydrostatic Pressure (HP) Decrease When POOH
Hydrostatic Pressure Calculation
Increase mud weight by adding barite
Increase Mud Weight by Adding Calcium Carbonate
Increase Mud Weight by Adding Hematite
Lag Time for Drilling Business and How to Calculate Theoretical Lag Time
Leak Off Test (Procedures and Calcuation)
Loss of Hydrostatic Pressure due to Lost Return
Maximum formation pressure that can be controlled when we shut the well in
Maximum influx height to equal the maximum allowable shut-in casing pressure
Maximum Initial Shut-In Casing Pressure (MISICP)
Maximum surface pressure from kick tolerance factor
Mixing Fluids of Different Densities with Pit Space Limitation
Mixing Fluids of Different Densities with Pit Space Limitation
Pressure and force relationship and applications
Pressure Required to Break Circulation in Annulus
Pressure Required to Break Circulation Inside Drillstring
Pump Output Calculation for Duplex Pump and Triplex Pump
Pump pressure and pump stroke relationship
Round trip ton-miles Calculation
Starting volume of original mud (weight up with Barite)
Starting volume of original mud (weight up with Calcium Carbonate)
Starting volume of original mud (weight up with Hematite)
Temperature Conversion Formulas
Volume of mud in bbl increase due to adding barite
Volume of Mud Increases due to Adding Calcium Carbonate
Volume of Mud Increases due to Adding Hematite
Weight of slug required for desired length of dry pipe with set volume of slug
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what is plastic viscosity?
Plastic Viscosity (PV) is the resistance of fluid to flow.